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Lyon, France
47, married, 3 marvellous kids. IT Director for the last 15 years for a large multinational company. I believe in coaching, in professional life as well as in private and sports.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

3 Keys for success

High level overview : please consider these 3 areas as your main possibilities to be successfull as an IT Manager :
  1. People
  2. Processes
  3. Technology
1. Your people are the IT team members. Obviously nothing is possible without them, but very little will be achieved with them if they are not performing to the best of their ability. Your first consideration should be to bring them up in environment where they really feel they are part of the game and real actors of the added value to the business.
2. Processes are at the center of a service orientated organization, preferrably based on ITIL. Nothing should be done which does not bring a real added value to the business, so that requires real alignment of IT processes to serve business. Do you have a clear and always up-to-date map of all your IT processes ?
3. Technology : this is where most of IT teams feel better, but technology for technology is what kills IT credibility. Consider technology is here to bring a business solution to life, but it's not THE solution in itself. Ask yourself : why are we doing this ? what is the driver ? If it's not business, then it's likely it's wasted money and no value added to the business... but if it's for the business, then the technology must be ad-hoc, i.e, efficient, proven, deployable and operatable in the most efficient manner.

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